AKhil bhartiya Maratha Shikshan Parishad's College of Engineering and Research is situated in Shahu college campus, laxminagar near parvati, pune.
The admission in general will be as per the rules and regulations laid by Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai. The eligibility will be according to the norms of DTE & University of Pune.
The candidates interested in securing admission under institute level/vacant seats, in the college should apply prescribed application form as per schedule notified by the college authorities from time to time and admission will be done strictly in accordance with rules prescribed by Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai including eligibility criteria. In this regards please refer DTE.ORG.IN website for eligibility and rules of college website.
The advertisement for admission against vacant seats will be published in different news-papers and also on our website - singheducation
The tuition fees for each academic year will be levied as per sanctioned by Shikshan Shulka Samiti appointed by Govt. of Maharashtra, Mumbai. For current academic year.
Refund of fees on cancellation of first year admission will be in accordance with rules notified by Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.
Minimum Eligibility